The Centrist Party Platform
Policy Perspectives & Positions
July 4, 1776: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” ––– September 17, 1787: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare…” ––– March 4, 1789: “…to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government…”
The Centrist Party (CP)
Defining Terms
Usage of these terms is based on root meanings, less rhetorical notions.
- Centrist means: Evidence/substance based well reasoned policy
- Conservative means: Conserve/Preserve, do not waste
- Liberal means: given or provided in a generous and openhanded way
- Libertarian means: Personal liberties for the good of community
- Progressive means: Addressing change factors and needs
The CP is:
- Libertarian on individual rights
- Conservative on economy, energy, environment
- Liberal on health, education and security
That means the CP fully supports our nations security and the health and education of our citizens. On the conservative side, CP supports protecting our home, the United States of America, meaning our economy, our clean energy capacity and our environment. And when it comes to your rights as a citizen, the CP supports protection from government oppression and control of your rights as a citizen.

Centrist Party Platform Framework
Protect capitalism and the ‘American Dream’ by ensuring anti-monopoly structuring enabling fair competition in Americas markets. Protect intellectual property rights. Competition does two things: 1. It drives quality up and 2. It drives prices down. Create full transparency in the marketplace via SEC & regulatory requirements. [More]
A stronger Public Education system is needed to enable access to the American Dream. Studies already demonstrate that the negatives of Charter School implementation far outweigh any positives that are promoted. Current technology/methodology can greatly improve public education as the primary source of American education. [More]
Driving toward safe sustainable energy is the best way to keep America Strong. Moving away from fossil fuels and moving to fuel cells, small scale nuclear, wind, solar and hydro becoming increasingly adoptable and thus market available. [More]
Address Global Warming threats. Reduce fossil fuels, increase air, water and soil safety. Direct policy to increase economic safety short and long term. Clean up plastic issues and regulate for the safety and security of America’s health and the prosperity of our citizens. [More]
Equitable health system regulation is required. Unhealthy people means an unhealthy nation. Americas agriculture and food needs to be safe to protect our nation, people, and our economy. The dis-ease care system also needs to address our medical needs in a just and affordable manner. Affordability and quality are key issues. [More]
Political Reform
Separation of powers and influence. The purpose of government is to serve the needs of the nation and the people. Getting the money out of politics is of primary concern. Until we can change the rules, we must work with them to achieve greater honor and integrity of the American System. The CP supports America and Americans, not demagogues. [More]
National security means local and international efforts to increase security. That means America’s government of, for, and by the people needs to be involved around the world, and at home, to ensure we protect “the preservation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. The CP supports our ‘Republican Democracy’. [More]
Getting at the roots of a given problem.
Fixing the soil & eliminating the root rot.
The Centrist Party (CP) Platform is designed to aim at the roots of a problem. CP is not about putting bandaids on cancers unless in an emergency situation. Repairing the root causes of a problem will likely net the best and least expensive solution for taxpayers. This in turn will reduce the costs and risks caused by swamp rat cancers.
Not everyone will agree on everything.
Evidence & Reason
CP recognizes it is not possible for everyone to agree on everything. It is important that Centrists don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater though. Regardless of our individual beliefs, we need to support policies that support the rights of individuals, regions, states in accordance with the spirit and intentions of our founders.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution outlined our ideals and the purpose of government. The CP respects and reflects that spirit. Thus, The Centrist Party Platform is designed to support the protection of the individual rights of people under law, AND justice for those that act against the law and the nation.
The science, philosophy and history behind the Centrist Platform
Protecting America Now & in the Future
Importantly/Additionally: The platform considers primarily the safety of the United States of America and its citizens. To do this well we apply systems science (Living Systems Theory) and the socratic method. This includes but is not limited to our platform principle methods:
- Short and long term considerations (weighted accordingly)
- Impact of changes in policy
- The law of unintended consequences
- The Precautionary Principle
- The Peter Principle
- The Dunning/Kruger Effect
- The Tragedy of the Commons
- Voltaire: ‘The perfect is the enemy of the good’
- Living Systems Theory
- Facts out of context are not/least/less likely to represent reality
The platform system is designed to provide a foundation for principled approaches in promoting and achieving healthy governance to protect the citizens and the nation.
Platform Evolution
Objective Analysis
This platform is based on current perspectives and evidence. As needs change and evidence improves adjustments will be made. Changes will always be made based on the strength of evidence and reason inline with the principles of teh Centrist Party. These principles are outlined in line the ‘The Centrist Manifesto’, the mission statement and our platform goals. More issues may be added and/or adjusted as needed based on the needs of the United States and our citizens in accord with the tenets and principles of the Centrist Party.
The CP position in the ideological perspective expressed in the following two venn diagrams:
Unite America with The Centrist Party
- Enough is enough. We must unite to reclaim our government. Join the Centrist Party. Work together to heal our nation and return balance in governance and common sense for the nation and the people.
The Centrist News
Check out Centrist News & Perspectives for centrist media intelligence:

Centrist Party Platform Foundation
Key Parameters of the Basis of the Centrist Party Platform:
- Evidence
- Reason
- Logic
Last but not least, all of the above must be weighed with the values and principles of what ‘The Founding Fathers’ and ‘We The People’ can most easily agree are the the values and principles we all should strive for to make and keep America a great country. This includes Jeffersonian ideals: Self-sufficiency, self-government and individual responsibility as well as the assertion of equality. Liberty under the umbrella of a Republic while rejecting aristocracy. Thus forming a balance between individual liberty and the rules of law and justice within the ‘United States’.
All of these are important:
- Honor
- Duty
- Morality
- Ethics
- Fairness
- Justice
- Pragmatism
The following platform planks are subject to improvement based on the above parameters. Our goal is to weigh the Socratic method with the above principles. That is the basis for the Centrist Platform as it stands and as it develops. Fiscal and social responsibility are primary concerns combined with national security.

CP Platform Policy Issues/Position Planks
Article 2, Section 4
When a president, or elected officials of the Nation and States foment, support, encourage insurrection against the United States and its Constitution, or any State of the Union: The CP supports removing seditious and treasonous politicians from office.
Article II. Section. 4.
“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
Points of Focus:
‘High Crimes & Misdemeanors’ is a legal term established in British Law that our founding fathers adopted because its precedent is ‘breach of public trust’. The indicated intention was to have a term that was ambiguous in order to ensure that it can be applied to a politician, even when there was no clear or actual crime. Its use in British Law and the adoption of the Founders into the U.S. Constitution clearly supports the idea our Founders wanted to make sure we can remove politicians that are disingenuous and show demonstrable bad intent toward the Constitutional protections of the nation and of the People.
- In other words, and CP supports:
- Removal from office for breaches of the public trust that are demonstrable in evidence, intent & purpose.
1st Amendment: Conservative/Progressive
When a president sends unidentified police forces to randomly arrest individuals and attack and arrest members of the press we need to remind ourselves. The CP supports the 1st Amendment:
1st Amendment:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Points of Focus:
In other words, and CP supports:
- Citizens rights to free and peacefully petition the Government
- Freedom of the Press
- No Law respecting the establishment of religion
Think about it. DO YOU want someone to tell you which church you ‘must’ go to, or what to believe? Or even if you have to go to church or not? What if you’re a Protestant and the government determines the only valid Christian church is Catholic, or ANY other religion. Is that what you want?
Now think about what the 1st Amendment is NOT. It is not a free license to foment violence. Nor is it a free license to say anything you want to anyone. It is not a free license to lie, cheat, mislead, or commit fraud. It definitely IS NOT a right to attack the capital of the United States. It’s not even a free license to walk into a retail store and throw a bunch of medical masks on the floor just because you don’t understand epidemiology and the risks of deadly or dangerous aerosolized pathogens. Generally speaking it is not a free license to say or do anything you want just because you want to.
Now, think about it again. The 1st Amendment is a guideline to enable you to peacefully address concerns and not be prevented from doing so by your State or the Federal government. It is also designed to help ensure the Republic by enabling and protecting freedom of the press. That’s a good thing.
The 2nd Amendment: Conservative/Progressive
The 2nd Amendment:
Points of Focus:
- “A well regulated Militia”
- “security of a free State”
- “right of the people to keep and bear Arms”
Let’s add this up. In order to secure the freedom of the States, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, and each State shall have a “well regulated Militia” “necessary to the security of a free State”.
The 2nd Amendment…
…was clearly designed by the founders with the aim to form a ‘balance of power’ between the States and the Federal Republic. This was to protect the States from federal republican dominance and authoritarian rule. It was clearly NOT intended to empower ‘individuals’, or ‘private groups’, to rebel against the Federal government, nor was it designed to support group or private ownership of “Arms”.
Simply put: State regulated militias would be much safer than armed random citizens that might be having a bad day; or private militias that rely on lack of regulation to operate in secret or underground, and act as if they are above the law.
It is important to understand that the focus of the 2nd Amendment is to protect the States from Federal overreach. Private militias are not State approved or regulated and thus are not entitled to the protection of the 2nd Amendment.
To reiterate:
The 2nd Amendment is NOT an empowerment for individuals or private groups to attack the Federal Republican government or State governments; that is the job of the States. Citizen protests against the federal government are what the 1st Amendment is for.
The 1st Amendment protects the rights of the press and citizens: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” That is a right to ‘peacefully’ protest, to and about the government without the Federal government silencing you.
The 2nd Amendment is designed to support a ‘balance of power’ between the states and the national government to prevent takeover or infringement of States by the Federal Republic. Basic civics: We the people live in States, and the States have a contract with the United States of America. It’s called the Constitution. American citizens need to respect and abide that contract.
Making it work for all Americans
- CP embraces the 2nd Amendment in FULL, as it is written and clearly intended by the founders and as read in order to protect the people from unnecessary violence:
- Federal shall support the States’ right to enable and regulate a State Militia
- States must utilize military grade code regulation for weapon ownership
- In accordance with the 2nd Amendment: No Private Militias will be allowed
- All State Militia members must undergo background checks
- All State Militia members must report for regular training
- All State Militia members are subject to the law of the land
- It shall be illegal for any private militia, group or individual to invade or threaten State government
- All States should examine the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for regulatory guidance
- States shall have the right to set age requirements in accord with regional context
- The sale, purchase, distribution, ownership or possession of functional automatic weapons, or weapons that can easily be made functional, is prohibited with the exception of active duty police officers
- The sale, purchase, possession, or distribution of conversion kits that enable automatic function shall be illegal
- It shall be illegal to impersonate state licensed Militia members
- Individuals must be a member of the State Militia to purchase or own firearms
This platform plank outlines the general foundation and reasoning for a common sense solution that adheres to the Constitution and enables States to properly regulate the ownership of “Arms”. Since there is no perfect solution this plank is subject to being updated if The Centrist Party finds a better way to ensure citizen safety and States rights in relation to Federal rights.
14th Amendment: Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
25th Amendment: Section 1.
The Constitution of the United States says the right to vote shall not be denied or abridged. Abridged means shortened. In the context of English this means to not be cut off short. That means the government needs to make it easier and safer to vote. It does not mean make it harder.
25th Amendment: Section 1.
“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude–”
Points of Focus:
In light of the fact that American voters very rarely commit any form of intentional voter fraud, one has to wonder about the logic of making it harder to vote.. Point of fact voter fraud in relation to the voting population is only a tiny fraction of the voting public. You can safely say it is infinitesimally small.
A conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation examined Fraud in recent elections in America. They found 1,340 Proven instances of voter fraud. For that their were 1,152 criminal convictions.
There were 158 million votes in the 2020 election. That means that the voter fraud was 0.00085%
There was no significant voter fraud. 1 person out ov every 117,910 is not ‘massive’ it’s a relatively tiny amount.
- AP: Far too little vote fraud to tip election to Trump, AP finds
- PNAS: No evidence for systematic voter fraud
- Brennen Center For Justice: Debunking the Voter Fraud Myth
- Heritage Foundation: Recent Election Fraud Cases from Across the United States
Abortion: Pro Life & Pro Choice Rights
Pro-Respect, Life, Liberty
Note: This plank is still in development as arguments are examined. We have published it early due as this issue has been highlighted by the SCOTUS decision. We present arguments regarding the CP’s perspective to give readers a good sense on the Centrist Party position on this important issue.
For too long, the Democrats and Republicans have tried to force us to be either pro-life or pro-choice and vote as a single issue voter. But many Americans are both pro-life and pro-choice. As a member of the Centrist Party, you do not have to choose, you have the freedom to be both pro-life and pro-choice.
Let’s look at this more closely:
Considerations for thought:
While many consider the issue black and white there are so very many issues to consider.
- The right of a woman to control her body and her destiny.
- The right of an unborn baby that has reached viability.
- Viability requires greater understanding. Minimum viability dramatically increases the odds of severe handicaps and medical issues.
- It is far to easy for anti-abortion advocates to say all babies must be saved. But a pro-life stance must also include wisdom and discernment of the risks invovled.
- Thus, viability needs to be considered in theses contexts and the medical research on the subject can give us guidence as to safe and healthy viability.
- Rape and incest.
- In such cases the individual needs greater power and leeway in decision processing.
- The favor must go to victim of such crimes.
- Family realities and capabilities to manage existence.
- Just as a thought exercise: consider a poor woman in Africa that has to make a choice about which children to feed and whom to ignore in order for the others to survive. While this is an extreme example, these are still important considerations in the matrix of individual, and/or family decisions.
- Accidental/unexpected/unintended pregnancy (consider consequences and capability to manage)
No person, and no court of law, should control a woman’s, or a mans body; or the decisions an individual makes regarding their life choices. If you are personally anti-abortion, don’t get an abortion. It’s your choice. If you are not pregnant, then it’s not an issue for you personally. Respect others as you would have them respect your choices in life. Now, if you like having your government make choices for you, you can always write your elected officials and ask them to tell you what to do everyday.
Think about this: Men, would you like it if the Supreme Court said all men had to have a vasectomy? Or, no one can have a vasectomy. It’s okay to be pro-life, but no person or law should remove control of such personal choices as vasectomies, pregnancy, or other choices relating to any citizens personal rights. These are life changing decisions and should be kept at the individual level.
What does it mean to be Pro-life:
Anyone that is paying attention can see THE GOP IS NOT PRO-LIFE. The GOP does not support healthcare, education, or citizen rights against government oppression; and has thwarted our constitutionally protected right to vote at every opportunity. The GOP is on record consistently voting against laws designed to protect and enhance life after a baby is born. Make no mistake, the GOP’s efforts are not about protecting children, it is about the GOP’s ‘Big Government agenda to control the liberty of more than 50% of the American people. The Centrist Party supports a womans choice and independence to make the best decisions for themselves and their families.
Note: It is hypocrisy to call oneself ‘pro-life’ and not support pro-life efforts in the care and welfare of all human beings. Voting to remove equality in care of children, education, and the welfare of our citizens is NOT PRO-LIFE. The GOP is on record for not caring about life once a child is born.
Pro-life by definition means the right to life is for all people:
Not everything is affordable because the corporations take most of the profits while not paying their fair share of taxes (while simultaneously dumping the debt and burden on those that are not wealthy). That said, pro-life means pushing for policy that makes life better for people that are in fact alive.
- Protecting the lives health and well being of adults and children.
- Protecting the rights of humans to control one’s own destiny.
- Providing equal access to educational opportunities and careers for all Americans.
- Caring for the elderly.
- Loving thy Being pro-love thy neighbor.
- Ensuring equal rights and justice for all.
- Ensuring affordable, quality healthcare.
- Protecting children from being gunned down in their classrooms.
- Ensuring the long-term viability of government benefit programs.
- Ensuring all humans have a sustainable planet.
- Being pro-love thy neighbor is pro-life
- Being pro-equal application of rights is pro-life
- Being pro-civil rights is pro-life
- Being pro-equality in law and justice is pro-life
- Being pro-human rights is pro-life
- Being fair and just is pro-life
- Being pro-considerate of others is pro-life
And it shouldn’t have to be said but being pro-life means respecting a women’s right to manage her life just as much as each every American citizen has the right to mange and guide their own life toward a better, more caring and considerate life for ourselves in the communities in which we live.
Another thing to consider:
An unborn child is not a citizen yet. A developing fetus is not registered with a social security number and is not declared and registered as a citizen of the America until birth.
That said the unborn also need rights, throughout gestation and birth. And those rights need to grow with the fetal development and even human development after birth. As fetal viability becomes stronger the babies rights increase as well.
- Pro-life means no late term abortions unless the mother is in danger
- This relates to the balance between legal status arguements of the unborn child, the rights of the mother, and the health of the child. CP considers the medical perspective as well.
- Pro-life means rape and incest are important considerations
- This argument leans more to the rights of the mother and the heinous nature of the crimes of rape and incest. Strong rights must be ensured for the mother in these cases.
As is the norm in such considerations as abortion, a medical team needs to consult with the mother in relation to her circumstance. The Supreme Court should keep their personal perspectives out of a woman’s right to determine her own fate.
This country was founded on independence and individual liberty. The ability to make family planning decisions should not be subject to government control. If you are personally anti-abortion, do not get an abortion. If you are not pregnant, then it’s not an issue for you personally. Most Americans would not appreciate someone coming into their home and telling them how to live their lives. Members of the Centrist Party are not okay with the government coming into our homes, putting its feet up on ours coffee table and telling us how to plan our families, live our lives. Our members know that allowing the government to have a say in our family planning is just the slippery slope leading it to have a say in every party of our lives. And that is not freedom.
For too long, the Democrats and Republicans have tried to force us to be either pro-life or pro-choice and vote as a single issue voter. But many Americans are both pro-life and pro-choice. As a member of the Centrist Party, you do not have to choose, you have the freedom to be both pro-life and pro-choice.
Lets look at this more closely:
Every human being has the natural right to bodily autonomy. Bodily autonomy is the absolute essence of freedom. No one should even touch another person without their consent. No person , and no court of law , should control a human being’s body.
The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is enshrined in our Constitution, yet the United States Supreme Court’s overruling of Roe v. Wade, has robbed women of their right to make decisions about whether to have a child, a decision that is life altering.
The GOP has used inflammatory rhetoric since the mid-1970s. Terms like partial birth abortion or late term abortion and baby killer or murderer are designed to provoke an emotional response and divide the electorate.
The Centrist Party applies evidence and logic to the abortion debate. It is important to look at the facts.
Fact #1: Sex education in the United States has been under attack for decades. Children and teenagers do not know how their bodies work. They are not being taught about menstruation, sexual intercourse, sexual diseases, pregnancy, and birth control in an appropraitely meaningful manner.
It is safe to say the majority of men do not know how a woman’s menstruation cycle works or how a pregnancy develops from conception to birth. To protect the rights of mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters and even fathers and sons, it is imperative to take the time to educate onesself on the facts.
[[[ (Education link here) ]]]
Fact #2: Pregnancy is broken down into three trimesters consisting of twelve weeks each. When calculating how far along a pregnancy is, obstetricians calculate from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period and not the date of conception. The date of conception can often be difficult to calculate but typically occurs a week and a half to two weeks into a woman’s menstrual cycle. A baby born at 38 weeks is considered a full-term pregnancy. This is generally 36 weeks from the date of conception, approximately nine months.
Experience throughout neonatal intensive care units across the nation has shown that the survival rate for babies born at 22 weeks of gestation and under have little chance of survival. They simply cannot survive outside of the mother’s womb. There is nothing that can be done for them medically that will allow them to survive. They have no chance at life. They are not viable. Viability was the current standard in the United States until Roe was overturned. Under Roe, a woman had a constitutional right to end her pregnancy any time before a baby became viable.
Babies born before 22 weeks have little chance of survival. If these miracle babies happen to survive, they often have lifelong disabilities and impairments.
Understanding why women seek abortions in the US
- 64% of respondents have multiple reasons:
- 40% answered financial reasons
- 36% answered timing
- 31% answered partner related reasons
- 29% answered need to focus on other children
Data indicate that in 2016, 100% of abortions performed in the United States occurred before viability; the abortions occurred before a baby can live outside of its mother’s womb and actually survive.
Fact #3: A medication abortion is safe and effective up to 11 weeks. A medication abortion is induced by taking two drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. Based upon the above 2016 statistics, 80% of abortions could be induced by these medications. A medication abortion can be performed in the privacy of a woman’s home. An abortion after 11 weeks needs to performed in a clinical setting.
Fact #4: Partial birth abortions or late term abortions are not medical terms, they are political terms. These terms were created by the National Right to Life in 1995 ( to describe the actual medical procedure dilation and evacuation or D&E, which is commonly used for abortions occurring in the second-trimester. In 2007, the US Supreme Court upheld a federal ban on D&E abortions Gonzales v. Carhart. Many states have enacted similar bans. States may allow an exception to the D&E abortion ban for the health of the mother. You can read more information about D&E abortions here.
Fact #5: In 2014, 59% of women who had abortions had at least one previous birth. 59% of women who had abortions were already mothers. Forcing a women to carry an unwanted pregnancy could force a mother to choose between her living child and an unborn one.
Fact #6: Many states outlaw abortion for any reason including for the health of the mother, incest and rape. Politicians who advocate for these positions do not care about women and girls. There are many women for whom pregnancy is dangerous and potentially life-threatening. A pregnancy could end the mother’s life, make her spouse a widow, and her children orphans. How is forcing a women who has been raped to have the baby of her rapist not cruel and unusual punishment? How is forcing a child raped by her uncle not enabling pedophiles to rape children? The no-exceptions laws have real consequences that affect real people, people that we care about.
Fact #7: An unborn child is not a citizen. A developing fetus does not have an official name or a social security number. A child is not registered as an American citizen until birth. Keep in mind this fact is a legal status issue. Our goal is to bring focus to the moral and imoral implications regarding the complex of factors a girl or woman is subject to regading her right to choice in determining the course of her life.
Think about this, if your social security is not protected, you will not have a good end to your life. Therefore GOP policies designed to give away more money to corporations and remove social security are not pro-life, they are anti-life. More specifically they are against ‘your’ life quality. In other words if you’re not crazy rich, the GOP is not going to help you have a better life as you approach your death. They are pushing policies that are reducing the wealth of most American citizens, by putting more money into the pockets of oligarchs and corporations.
Said another way they are trying to make America into an authoritarian State that more resembles Russia. As the GOP bankrupts America, and yes even the democrats have ideas that contribute to this end, they are taking money away from America and its citizens. And yes, they are weakening America by doing so.
Remember this: the GOP is NOT conservative. They are extreme liberals. They rely on passionate appeal to emotion arguments rather than reason a logic. And lately the GOP has fully embraced lying to their gullible followers in order to maintain power. It is a fact that the Democrats are less liberal than the GOP. The GOP wants all the money going to their corporations and they are using passionate arguments regarding abortion, gun rights and authoritarian power to demolish the fairness doctrines America was founded on and continued to develop over our history.
Do Not Be Deceived:
- The GOP: Most extreme liberal giving all the money and power to themselves and the corporations they serve.
- The Democrats: Are liberal but less liberal than the GOP. They also have liberal views on healthcare and education. But in some cases those liberal views are too liberal and they may also be unaffordable. That said, they are not as liberal as the Republicans.
The worlds richest country should be able to take care of its people. The Centrist Party is formulated as a more conservative than the GOP and the Democrats. We need to resctructure policies in order to support life and the welfare of American citizens.
The CP Perspective in short:
The CP is:
- Libertarian on individual rights
- Conservative on economy, energy, environment
- Liberal on health, education and security
That means the CP fully supports our nations security and the health and education of our citizens. On the conservative side, CP supports protection our home, the United States of America, meaning our economy, our clean energy capacity and our environment. And when it comes to your rights as a citizen, the CP supports protection from government oppression.
To do otherwise would be to not support American citizens.The GOP does support suppression of 1st amendment rights and is against free speech in its constitutionally supported form. THE GOP does not support American citizens health and well being therefore they are not pro-life. The GOP does support their own power and corporatism to the extent they are bought and paid for by corporations lobbyists and special interests. And, to the extent they are able to deceive their more gullible followers. The GOP is most certainly THE SWAMP.
In summary
Being ‘Pro-Life’ means protecting life as best we can at all stages and aspects of living. That includes healthcare, education, disaster assistance.
In recent decades the GOP has been mostly anti-life. They do not support education and healthcare. This in turn leads to more people living in poverty and higher healthcare costs.
Coincidentally this can lead to less independence which has been shown to lead to more unwanted pregnancies. Thus it certainly can be argued the GOP is causing, at least in part, the very problem they are complaining about.
it’s okay to protect women’s rights and still be pro-life. What? How does that work? It’s simple If you are pro-life you have a right not to have an abortion. You also have a right to talk to your friends if you know someone considering an abortion. But you don’t have the right to tell others how to live their lives. If we care at all about individual liberty, this is the area we need to care about.
It’s not my business and it is not your business if someone on the other side of the country wants to have an abortion. It is in fact their own business. It is not up to others to decides another persons fate. It is up to those directly involved, their friends and families, or even communities. It is not our right to dictate the choices of others. So, yes, you can be pro-life AND you can respect women’s rights. That is allowed. For that reason CP supports the tenet and tenor of Roe v. Wade.
A Centrist can be pro-life and promote that position. But it is not civil or appropriate to assume such a god like judgement as to control the life or choice of another person. To each of us the right to determine our own fate within the scope of our lives.
Research Links
Research Perspectives
- NIH – Socioeconomic Outcomes of Women Who Receive and Women Who Are Denied Wanted Abortions in the United States
- NIH – Reasons why women have induced abortions: a synthesis of findings from 14 countries
- NIH – Unintended Pregnancy and Its Adverse Social and Economic Consequences on Health System: A Narrative Review Article
- NIH – The macroeconomics of abortion: A scoping review and analysis of the costs and outcomes
- NIH – Consequences of Unintended Pregnancy
- NIH – Disparities in Abortion Rates: A Public Health Approach
- Medical abortion–evidence-based practice
- Fertility, female labor force participation, and the demographic dividend
- Fertility, female labor force participation, and the demographic dividend
- Schooling and labor market consequences of the 1970 state abortion reforms
- The Economic Effects of Abortion Access: A Review of the Evidence
- Disparities in Abortion Rates: A Public Health Approach
- Consequences of Unintended Pregnancy
- The macroeconomics of abortion: A scoping review and analysis of the costs and outcomes
- Unintended Pregnancy and Its Adverse Social and Economic Consequences on Health System
- Contraception. 2017 Oct; 96(4): 233–241.
- Reasons why women have induced abortions: a synthesis of findings from 14 countries
- Socioeconomic Outcomes of Women Who Receive and Women Who Are Denied Wanted Abortions in the United States
- NIH Abortion Surveillance – United States, 2019
The Centrist Party is anti-corruption. There is a difference between saying we are against corruption and actually being against corruption. Our goal is to not only be against illegal means of corruption but to root out legalized corruption that has infiltrated our legislation. All policy must be directed to the purpose of the U.S. Constitution, that is to protect the United States and the American People.
Points of Focus:
Corruption has infiltrated our governance at the legislative level. Undue influence from special interests and politicians beholden to those interests have allowed corruption to be legalized. This is unacceptable.
A corrupt system of governance results in a weaker nation. A less great nation. Separation of business and government is required. It is not governments job to protect the businesses with the most money; especially when money is made by buying politicians through influence campaigns. The CP will work toward reducing these corrupt influences so that business can get back to capitalism and government can get back to governing the interests of the people and the nation.
Where corruption has infiltrated the rules of governance in opposition to the needs of the nation and the people it is up to all of us to oppose said corruption. There are many cases that demonstrate how such corruption can erode or degrade the short and long term interests of the people and the nation. Anti-trust violation on scale weakens the capital system to favor a ‘corporate’ system.
The Centrist Party is Pro-Captalism. We are NOT anti-corporation. However, the Party is Anti-Corruption in order to reduce undue corporate influence, and strenghten the American Dream.
There is nothing in the Constitution about protecting corporations; and corporations are NOT people. That is an example of a corruption that has been allowed to become law. The Centrist Party will work to undue corruption that interferes with the purpose and intent of the Constitutional responsibility of our government to protect the nation and the people.
When corporate influence campaigns are against the needs of the nation and the people considered together, then governance needs to support the Constitutional obligation of protecting the needs of the people and the nation. In such instances the Constitutional interest must supersede that of the corporate interest.
There are also times when government needs to support corporate interest if such interest positively effects the Constitutional obligation in the short and/or long run. As always, applying the Socratic method carefully and deliberately in consideration of evidence and potential outcomes shall remain the guiding principle of the Centrist Party.
The Centrist Party is anti-fascist. That means: just like we have stood against authoritarian governments and dictators the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Franco and Mussolini in the past, so must we stand against such authoritarianism now.
fas·cism | ˈfaSHˌiz(ə)m | (also Fascism)
an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
• derogatory extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behavior: an outright ban is just fascism.
The GOP is systematically attacking the rule of law and our justice system. This is Anti-American. Simultaneously they are attacking our justice and intelligence systems, our electoral systems, and they are attacking the foundational principles of fairness, equality and even capitalism. We can’t pretend it isn’t happening. The signs are clear and present and most certainly a danger to the United States of America and all it has traditionally stood for.
To be clear: The GOP’s goal is NOT to make America great, but rather to destroy the very foundations of our American Federal Republican Democracy. This is in order to replace Traditional America with a Fascist Authoritarian Oligarchy, run by swamp rats.
Points of Focus:
Authoritarianism historically ends badly for countries and people. What is important to consider is why people choose to vote for authoritarian leaders and governments. Typically it’s because authoritarian leaders use populist appeals to emotions and always blame others for problems so they can rile up the crowds to vote for them or take action on their behalf.
Ironically, the result of putting such leaders in place is a less stable government that is typically very repressive in nature.
A story, post WWII:
After the war, a German girl asked her grandfather why he supported Hitler. He said because he gave us jobs.
Well that was coming out of the Weimar and the struggles Germany had after the sanctions imposed post WWI. The restrictions were so limiting that they could not rebuild their economy. Part of Hitlers plan was to ignore the restrictions and start building a war machine. Yes, that did provide jobs. But that’s only part of the story. Hitler used damning derogatory speech about immigrants and Jews and basically anyone that was not part of the master race as he saw it.Sound familiar? This is typical of demagogues like Kim Jong Un, Erdogan, Lukashenko, Trump and other authoritarians. By riling up the masses, you can get them on your side. But in truth, Hitler, like all the others mostly cared about his own personal agenda.
Truth be told, he not only helped people get jobs he helped rebuild the German economy. But then came the repression…, the violence…, then came the killing. Probably one of the most profoundly descriptive writings about how it went down ended with “Then they came for me”.
Martin Niemöller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
The key point here is that whether it is the indifference that allows people to cook like a frog in the pot until their rights are also taken away, or those that hope for a better future because they have an authoritarian leader, history repeats itself again and again and the end result is less freedoms, less rights, less advancement, less progress and more violence and disorder.
Anti-Legalized Corruption: Conservative
Corporations have for years influenced legislation by lobbying politicians to favor their profits over fairness to capital markets. This has resulted in a lack of fairness in society and even adds risk to the ability to accordingly govern. In other words, corporate goals have by design bypassed fair trade and and the practice of capitalism to give corporations unfair advantage. This means they have more price control and monopoly potential than is healthy for our markets. Of course that is a tax on America. Without a healthy competitive market everyone pays more. The CP supports unwinding structural corruption of our capital markets to enable and strengthen the American Dream.
Points of Focus:
There should be no question about this. The future of the United States depends on how far we can distance our country, our economy, and our justice system from corruptive influence: past, present and future.
Our modern version of corruption seems laregely tied to the influence of corporations on our supreme court and decisiosn related to corporate and the influence of oligarchs in our laws. The chain of cases surrouding and consequent of Santa Clara vs. Southern Pacific Railroad are key to understanding how bad it has become.
Therefore the Centrist Party’s goal is to seek out how those corruptive influences have diminished the ability of our economy to operate in a fair, just, and equitable manner. To seek and destroy legislation that is, and has been, pushed into law to enable corruption that degrades society and the national interest. Especially when it favors corporate profits over human rights, equity in life and where it has damaged transparency in our markets.
In other words, making America great means eliminating corruption as much as possible in order to ensure and restore our traditional place as a shining beacon in the world. The idea of America as the shining city on the hill has been tarnished by corruption and corporations and oligarchs continue to attempt to replace America with a facade image so they can pretend we are still that shining city while they replace America with oligarchy, corporatism and authoritarianism.
Excessive corporatism has altered the balance of law in its own favor which is arguably against the needs of the people and the nation. This is manifest in a corporations ability to evade responsibility by externalizing its costs to the people by using the government as a shield to protect it from its own irresponsibility. That is the swamp that we need to get rid of.
- CP supports unwinding corruptive laws that help corporations, businesses, executives and owners of business to evade responsibility for actions they ‘approved’ in the course of business.
- Responsibility for our actions is a core principle that we must support.
Example: At it stands, the corporate veil allows officers of corporations to evade responsibility when their profits are held as more important than the well being of the people and the nation. Thus: business, society and government must work together in a more balanced fashion to ensure profits are not extracted at the expense of the people and the nation.
A fair business is one that takes responsibility for its mistakes. Unfortunately special interest lobbying has made unfair business the rule of the day, especially when it comes to larger corporations.
The Centrist Party is absolutely against racisim. Systemic racism needs to be weeded out of our legislative system and our American society. If you don’t think systemic racism exists, then you need to learn more about what systemic racism is. If there is one thing we all need to agree on, it is that no matter our creed, color, or status an American is an American by citizenship.
At all levels of development and place in society:
- Equal access to opportunity
- Equal access to education
- Equal access to healthcare
- Equal protections of law
- Equal application of justice
Note: This plank is under development still regarding details and historical context However, the mainstay is clear equal treatment in society, in education, under the law and regarding justice is the goal.
Points of Focus:
It is a sad testament to the maturity of the human race that racism is still a problem, especially in America. Each citizen should enjoy equal access to opportunity in relation to ones abilities. Equal treatment in law and justice. Equal support in education. Equal rights in the enjoyment of capital opportunity without prejudice. Such access includes but is not limited to education, employment, opportunity in the market place, and in the application of law and justice. We are all different people, but none of us should be limited to enjoyment of that opportunity due to race.
Thus, for all citizens the Centrist Party supports equality in application of citizens rights.
Abraham Lincoln fought to free the slaves and uphold the ‘United States’ of America by preventing secession.
But since then we have let slip the purpose and outcome of the American Civil War. It was the influence of racists that created a modern version of slavery through indenturement in the 14th Amendment.
This led to more blacks ending up in jail than whites, and often on trumped up charges of circumstance including developmental repression and blocking advancement, that created an environment that supported crime over and above equal opportunity for all.
It was after the civil war that the KKK reared its ugly hooded head. It was after the civil war that both opportunity and repression was increased to push down entire segments of the American population.
If you extend the logic of saying birthright citizenship is flat out wrong all the way to the original habitants of America, then ONLY Native Americans should be allowed to call themselves citizens. In other words, we have a civil right that we like. We are Americans one and all. Regardless of creed, color or caste. If you want to end birthright citizenship, then for most of us, you are voting that we are not Americans. In logic that is known as argumetum ad absurdum. And yes, it is false logic.
So here’s a thought: Let all try to get along better and treat each other fairly.
It is ridiculous this is still an issue in America. To all those that don’t like it when someone else’s skin color does not match their own try not to have a spaz attack if you see someone that might have spent some time on the beach or at the pool getting a tan. We all descend from Africans as indicated by studies of mitochondrial DNA. Thus we are all descendent of the diaspora from Africa. Thus we are all immigrants if we are not living in Africa.
Remember this, if you’re not Native American, you and/or your ancestors are not originally from America, You are either an immigrant, or descended from immigrants.
History of Racism in America
It should be noted that there is no such thing as a black person. The term is a generalization of those of darker complexion. The term is used here as a generally historical descriptive for the purpose of identifying those racially targeted. The same goes for red and yellow descriptives, which typically connote Native America or Asian descent.
- 1790: From 1790 only free white people could be citizens, excluding Native Americans, slaves, free Blacks, indentured servants, and Asians were added to the list later.
- 1792: The second Militia Act of 1792 provided conscription of every “free able-bodied white male citizen”.
- 1865: When the slaves were freed the KKK, which promoted white-supremecy’ came into existence using terrorism (assault and murder) against politically active blacks and their allies. D. W. Griffifths film ‘The Birth of a Nation” (1915) solidified the KKK as iconic in American history. The results of such promotion are evident in events such as the Tulsa race massacre (1921) and resonate throughout legislative and political endeavors as well as social attitudes about race.
Historians point out that the KKK aimed to: Curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.
And took action toward their goals: “In the spring of 1867, the Grand Wizard of the KKK, Nathan Bedford Forrest and his dragoons launched a campaign of midnight parades; ‘ghost’ masquerades; and ‘whipping’ and even ‘killing Negro voters and white Republicans, to scare blacks off voting and running for office'”
- 1870: The Naturalization Act of 1870 extended naturalization to Black persons, but not to other non-white persons, while revoking the citizenship of naturalized Chinese Americans.
Generally speaking sytemic racism against the black community persists at differing levels in different social and political arenas. The rise of Donald Trump brought racism to a higher pitch in recent times.
Deeper Historical Context
The kings of old…Oligarchs, regions, slavery, indenturement throughout history up to our modern age.
This section will examine more historical context as we continue to examine and present the context of racism through the ages.
Generally, keep in mind, slavery occurs when a more powerful ruler or ruling system decides to take advantage of those it can exert power over and upon. Slaves throughout history have been of all colors, even white. It’s almost always about money and power.
The modern/current focus on blacks, or immigrants in general, goes to group-think and the continuation of old prejudices in society, often propagated by those that ‘think’ they are superior for any number of reasons.
The truth is, the data examined in our DNA indicates we all pretty much came from Africa. Those that stayed in northern climes longer lost melatonin in their skin tone. Social grouping and varied styles of existence may explain changed in human structure but honestly this is all still being examined. So new information will come as that understanding develops.
In the mean time, we are pretty much all Africans in origin. The diaspora has been going on for a long time, so it has many branches in its development based on current understanding.
The Sophistry of Saying Hiring Someone Who is Black is Racist
The pushback from the GOP saying/inferring it is racist to hire a ‘black’ person to the supreme court.
The case of Ketanji Brown Jackson:
Racism: adjective;
characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized:
The point of ‘racism’ connotes marginalization by those who would antagonize. To marginalize in this sense is to exclude, not include.
Some points to consider:
- I find it silly that people differentiate black, white, brown, yellow, etc. in skin color. People are people.
- Yes, anyone nominated to the Supreme Court should be qualifiable without prejudice of skin color.
- If one were to judge performance, fairness, justice and adherence to the principles of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then one might find reason for prejudice against white supreme court justices. Thus, the argument on its face is moot, and kinda silly.
Thus, when the GOP decided to push out the message it is racist to select a ‘black’ person for the Supreme court, they were using sophistry to demonstrate their racism. It is not racist to select a qualified person of any skin color. It is racist to argue against such selection because you don’t like the choice. Ketanji Brown Jackson is fully qualified for the position. MUCH more-so that those Trump appointed and pushed onto the court.
That said, it is selective to choose a person who is qualified, and happens to be black just because you want that racial color represented on the court. But being selective is a good thing in this case as Ketanji Brown Jackson’s qualifications are exceptional.
The Centrist Party is fully against sophist lies, evasions, and distractions designed to fool the American public. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth needs to be our standard to get America back on track to being that shining city on the hill.
soph·ist·ry | ˈsäfəstrē, ˈsōfəstrē |
noun (plural sophistries)
the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving
• a fallacious argument.
While sophistry can come from both sides of the aisle, the GOP has fully embraced sophist lies and their foundational principle. If they succeed, America and all that it has traditionally stood for dies. It is up to every American to stand up and say no to lies and deceit.
Points of Focus:
Sophistry: a concept described from Socratic thought via Plato 2,500 years ago. Generally it is a sophisticated form of lying and deception. Mostly used by politicians, it is considered by scholars to be one of the ten key reasons for the fall of Rome.
Therefore it is important to be able to recognize sophistry when listening to someone speak. Here are some types of sophistry to be on guard from.
- Spinning a message resulting in avoiding reality/truth is sophist
- Distraction resulting in avoiding/evading truth is sophist
- Accusation others to evade admission of guilt is sophist
- Obfuscation of facts is sophist
- Using facts out of context is sophist
- The CP stands wholly against any manner of sophistry that works against the Federal Democratic Republic of the United States.
To prevent the tyranny of the masses it is critical to stand and defend against sophistry of all kinds. Especially when that sophistry undermines the principles unto which America has traditionally aspired.
The CP holds this truth to be self evident. Populist demagoguery is as dangerous to the Republic as is foreign influence. We must be on guard and be able to rectify such direct assaults on our democracy.
Be aware, in America’s history, those that have used such demagoguery have often been acting upon the interests of foreign powers. In some cases indirectly and in some cases directly and in some cases both. Recognizing sophistry is one of teh most important talents anyone can have when trying to decipher the truth of the words used by populists that focus on appeal to emotion arguments.
Note: We will work on clarifying this plank further, but for now, we want our members to understand sophistry is one of the most dangerous aspects of political and social evasive speech. We must all be on guard. Remember, if we want to know the truth, we have to examine what we might be missing in an argument and be open to evidence based substantive facts combined with careful consideration.
Points of Focus:
Webster defines capitalism as:
an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state: an era of free-market capitalism | private ownership is a key feature of capitalism.
Many confuse capitalism with corruption. Remember capitalism has to do with private ownership and honest business between people and companies. Corruption is about ‘dishonesty and illegal behavior’ (trickery fraud and manipulation). The Centrist Party is Pro-Capitalism and Anti-Corruption. Capitalism enables fair competition under the umbrella of law and regulation. Capitalism also is much faster than government at adjusting to market changes.
- Vital resources must be protected from resource depletion in order to sustain such markets.
- Regulation in emergency and disasters is required to prevent price gouging.
- Market sustainability is required to prevent the collapse of markets.
- Capital markets operate best when transparent.
- SEC regulation must strongly support
- Fraud and corruption weakens markets are does not serve the purpose of the fair trade of goods and services.
Capitalism often gets a bad rap because of the misbehavior of corporations and liberal rhetoric. Corporatism, which refers to the notion of holding the good of the corporation above that of the nation or the people and even above the rationality of capitalism. That can do serious harm. The enabling of corporate lobbying enhances that risk. Damage to markets, damage to resource capacity, damage to the environment to the detriment of the nation and the people can all result form inappropriate management of corporate wishes and desires.
However, capitalism without appropriate regulation risks a tragedy of the commons. Capitalism without any restraints also risks antitrust issues that have short and long term risk factors. A market with no restraints of any kind feeds oligarchy and plutocracy and corporatism. Balance is the goal to produce healthy sustainable markets.
- CP supports regulation to reduce antitrust issues
- CP supports regulation to reduce anticompetitive issues
- CP supports appropriately regulated sustainable capitalism
- CP supports sustainable transparent markets structures
CP is against market imbalances that lead to corporate hegemony. Keep in mind that capitalism is the best system to help react to market changes. Unchecked (unregulated) capitalism however can lead to market imbalances and market resource destruction, which can contribute to unhealthy market systems in relation to their surrounding systems. Sustainability in markets is important, and thus the policy recommendations above seem to be the most reasonable in context to the problems we all face.
Also note, that in emergency events, such as earthquakes and pandemics. Price controls are required. THIS is not anti-capitalism, it is anti-opportunism. In the event of an emergency in America, it is traditional for us all to work tougher to get through the situation. It is unfair if not immoral to take advantage of those that are thrust into an emergency to profit and prey upon the misfortune of others. Thus the CP supports the relative health and safety of The People of the United States of America.
We all participate in Capital Markets
We all buy products. Sometimes we sell products. People go to work to provide capital services. People hopefully get paid appropriately for their work. It’s important to know what capital is with regard to capitalism.
Definition of capital (Entry 2 of 3)
So, we can see that capital has to do with the goods. But look at definition ‘(3) e:‘. This references ‘Human Capital’. This is actually a very important point that somehow ended up at the end of the list.
Also, it’s important to point out that in the definition of Capitalism, we see that private ownership is prominent. This is the factor that increases and inspires motivation to compete in order to profit. It is that competition, that in non corrupt, or less corrupt markets, enables market efficiency.
What we see since Buckley v. Valeo, is the continued corruption of markets via political and monopolistic means.
Additional Material
Citizen Rights = Civil Rights
Every American is granted and supposedly guaranteed equal opportunity, protections, and equal treatment in law, justice, education and generally in life in America. And yet, certain groups and in line with many GOP politicians still use sophist arguments to support racism and division regardin the application of our rights as Americans. This can of course lead to authoritarian governance and that is an outcome the Centrist Party asks all Americans to guard against.
- CP supports civil rights and policy that helps America grow up and stop being so damed racist.
- CP supports equal application and support regarding access to education, opportunity, protections, justice, and law for all American citizens.
It really is time for ALL of us to grow up and stop playing to predjudices that are in direct contravention of the purpose, power, and principles of the United States of America.
Points of Focus:
The right wing of American politics has for decades painted a picture of civil rights as something special for black people. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to read dictionaries. You see, civil rights are citizens rights. The rights that every citizen can be protected by, equally, in application and in the intention of law and justice.
Civil Rights
1 [attributive] relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters: civil aviation.
• (of disorder or conflict) occurring between citizens of the same country: civil strife.
• Law relating to private relations between members of a community; noncriminal: a civil action.
• Law relating to civil law.
This should not even be an issue in America. The very notion that a political party would not support in any way, shape, or form, the idea that citizens rights are the civil rights that we all are given by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is absurd.
It is ridiculous that we still have not achieved equal application of law and justice in America. Those that are in the way continue to support a country of racism and undue prejudice. America in spirit and in our declaration of independence strove for an ideal where all men were equal under the law and in the application of justice. It is an ideal that has driven the American Dream. It is an ideal that has drawn admiration from around the world.
And yet, here we are 250 years later, still harboring the immature attitudes that foster racism and prejudice. It is long past due but we must wake up on the issue of equal rights, and stay awake. I know. That’s an idealistic statement. But America was founded on ideals; just ask Thomas Jefferson (well, read the Declaration of Independence).
Then, after the declaration of independence we created a constitution, and then after that we amended it to try to make it more fair, and then after that we passed the civil rights amendment. And things were going ‘relatively’ well (meaning still slowly improving), until around the year 2000. Then things started going the other way, because our leaders were leaning more and more toward our aging white population and appealing to their emotions. That fostered greater prejudicial racism in certain populations around the country. We need to grow up and stay grown up on this issue.
- CP supports civil rights and policy that helps America grow up and stop being so damed racist.
- CP supports the equal application and protections of the law for all American citizens.
It really is time for ALL of us to grow up and stop playing to predjudices that are in direct contravention of the purpose and power of the United States of America.
Private (non-government) cryptocurrency increases crime and fraud, and can destabilize national monetary systems. Utilization of crypto must be established and regulated via the Federal Reserve and Treasury of the United States of America. Ensuring a relatively safe, stable medium of exchange that reduces fraud and criminal behavior is the goal. Global Central Banks are already discussing a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).
Points of Focus:
Alternative to Cryptocurrency
Simply apply blockchain security technology to existing monetary transactions.
In other words, as of now, it might not be advantagious, or it might be premature to developing/adopting cryptocurrency as a key medium of exchange. At this time there is no ‘significant’ advantage to creating an entirely new medium of exchange but downsides are visible and manifested.
There may be a possible advantage if all transactions are tracable but loss risk to individuals would remain high if said currency is not registered properly in financial institutions. Thus, the central banks need to strongly consider accoutability and integrity of the currency in order to ensure viable use as a medium of exchange. Risks need to be carefully assessed.
Note: It is possible at CBDC currency, if robust enough, can reduce crime by ensuring tracibility of transactions.
NGC = Non-Governmental Currency
CBDC = Central Bank Digital Currency
NGC cryptocurrency is privately owned and controlled/uncontrolled intermediate fiat with multiple risk factors. It undermines national currencies. It enables individual, and criminal organizations to rapidly transfer funds, and it enables bad actor States to do large scale disruption through multiple types of influence.
It’s risk factors include: It is an unprotected currency unsupported by nation state financial guaranties; if you lose your password to your currency, you lose your money; If your hard drive becomes corrupted, you lose your money; If someone robs your house and takes your drive, you lose your money; If you have a fire and your drive is destroyed, you lose your money; If your drive accidentally gets erased, you lose your money; If a natural phenomena occurs that disrupts drive function, you lose your money; If your drives experiences an unrecoverable file allocation error you lose your money.
- Analysis of crypto NGC shows it is mostly used for criminals and as a trading instrument.
- Thus, crypto NGC mainly extracts/limits economic flow of currency.
- NGC crypto on scale does not add to the economy.
- NGC crypto mainly extracts real dollars from economic flow.
- Cryptocurrency is a fiat that is not backed by Nation States.
- If countries adopt cryptocurrency, there is a large risk to their national currencies.
- As a median exchange unit it can easily be used to add yet another surcharge to transactions thus making it inflationary.
NGC Crypto Issues:
- For individuals: to lose a bitcoin wallet simply means to lose all your money. For example, let’s say you ‘lose’ your hard drive where your bitcoin wallet is…, or let’s say the drive just becomes corrupted, which happens…, well, you just lost your money.
- Generally bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general is a dangerous proposition. It is a way however to hand more power and money over to criminals and corporations. In other words, it’s really just a way to support the swamp rather than secure our monetary system.
- NGC crypto currency is not State guarantied.
- Essentially NGC crypto is pure fantasy. It represents no hard value other than it’s ‘assumed’ value.
- The NGC crypto bubble is more dangerous than the Tulip bubble (boom/bust potential).
- Even a CBDC can increase currency destabilization if not established in a secure manner to value.
- Example: Let’s say you can put CBDC money on a thumb drive. Imagine you’re a CEO and need to bring 100 million over to another company. You crash your car on the way. The car catches fire. You and your crypto wallet burn up in the fire. What board of Directors would approve such an action/transaction?
- Already millions upon millions of NCG crypto dollars have been lost, destroyed or hacked. IT is a very dangerous way to move/store value.
- Thus, even with CBDC, combined with bankruptcy laws, the costs of such an apparently foolish endeavor would be externalized to the State, and thus to the taxpayers.
- The ONLY area of ‘non-risk’ for NGC cryptocurrencies are the brokers of currency who continually extract profit from the system via transactions. In other words, the banks and investment trading firms. Such monetary accumulation is minimally productive and largely extractive. In this sense it is a negative for an economy overall. Removes capital from productive economic flow where only brokers benefit (Remember, trickle down economics has already proven to be mythic in nature and thus insufficiently helpful to economic function).
Generally speaking, the rhetoric about how great NGC cryptocurrency is ignores how risky an idea it is. From increased crime and fraud to the ability to fund terrorism or secretly fund a coup. The risks are many. And the very idea that it consumes massive amounts of energy to mine bitcoin should tell you more than you need to know. NGC crypto risks are many while proclaimed benefits can be achieved my other means. Some claims are based on a fantasy and NGC cyrpto is a highly unstable form on monetary exchange as demonstrated in volatile market fluctuations.
Reference Material:
BIS: Cryptocurrencies: looking beyond the hype
BIS: CBDCs: an opportunity for the monetary system
Depoliticizing Our Military
Our stance, forged by common sense and the intent of our forefathers, relies upon the military’s focus on the non-political mission: Protect the Nation and its People by defending ‘The Constitution’. The military must never be used for political or self-serving purposes; this is below the dignity of our armed forces. With this in mind, the Centrist Party actively supports the role of our service-members and their self-sacrifice outside the boundaries of our political system. America is best served when politics are left behind when the uniform of the day is worn.
The Military Oath of Service
“I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the president of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
Points of Focus:
The purpose of the US military is to support the State mission; meaning the mission of the United States of America.
That mission is defined in the US Constitution. Protect America by defending the Constitution. The deeper meaning of this mission is to protect American Citizens and American Interests. That also means protecting the ‘United’ States.
Other aspects of that mission include projecting power so as to maintain power balance and promote stability in the geopolitical sphere.
This is by design to maintain peace and stability. When conflict does occur and America becomes involved, the purpose is the same. The goal is to return to peace and stability. Deterring authoritarian States is essential to that mission and can be done by diplomatic means as well as sanctions. The use of military force should always be a last resort measure.
In the age or terrorism and cyber-terrorism, a new dynamic has been introduced to balance of power and warfare. This is a threat matrix that needs its own attention sphere and our government has developed new force structures to identify and deal with such treats.
No matter how you see this personally, please know that our military has a job to do and our military service members are critical to that mission. Our thanks and our support for that mission remains to honor those that honor us, and our country, with their commitment to duty and country.
The CP supports public education. Studies show that in most cases there is no significant advantage to Charters Schools and many negative outcomes/results/impacts. Generally the operation of Charter Schools is used to hide data that should be public. This is a disservice to the public and the country. They tend to use sophisticated methods to hide their expenses and in doing so tend to hide the amount of money and support students receive. Specifically, the CP supports continued development and deployment of the TLC/PATH system in education.
Points of Focus:
Criticism of Charter Schools: “Charter schools are not public schools.”
Claim by Charter Schools: “As defined in federal and state law, charter schools are public schools.”
- Most charter schools are privately owned by a private company or private trust. Also, private Education Management Organizations (EMO) are often involved. It is also common that teachers are ‘private employees’ of the EMO that are leased to the school.
- In charter schools managed by EMO’s many key decisions are made out of State. Public schools are subject to transparency laws. Charter schools and their private operators generally resist/refuse to share information and data regarding public requests.
- In other words, charter schools generally claim to be public schools but use layers of corporate and private veils to mask and hide data, while utilizing public taxpayer money to fund their operations while masking or hiding profits.
This is only one argument regarding charter school propaganda, out of 21 arguments charter schools use that are not supported by objective evidence.
Reference Links:
Energy: Conservative
Conserving energy helps America do more with less. So anything we can do to reduce our energy needs and consumption makes America stronger. As we transition to safer and more sustainable energy systems we should always remember that conservation of energy is a traditional conservative value. CP supports:
- Energy conservation
- Renewable/sustainable energy infrastructure development
- Safer new and next generation nuclear energy
- Conservative lighting sources: LED’s do more with less
The future of our economy depends on how economical we are with our resources. Liberal waste of energy hurts America more and more in the short and long run. So be conservative and vote to conserve energy in the most reasonable way.
Farming/Ranching: Conservative
A critical issue that has done great damage to our local farmers and ranchers is the aggregation and consolidation of our food supply through corporate control. The whole system is now controlled by relatively few companies. For decades corporatism has infiltrated small and medium sized operations through patenting processes, seeds and pesticides as well as lobbying special interest influence. That reduced the ability of smaller operational farmers to survive indiepndently. The CP sees this as a national security risk and anti-capitalism/competition which distorts capital structures. This is more of an antitrust and influence issue and needs to be addressed.
A second issue we need to keep an eye on is foreign ownership of our farmlands. This also can become a larger national security issue if the current trend continues.
Film Overview: How Farmers Are Getting Shafted By Monopolies
Foreign Policy
To build and sustain a fair and just democratic world, so as to promote peace and sustainable commerce that protects foundational freedoms as provided in the principles and values of the Untied States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. To safeguard American interests through the State Mission by engaging with our international neighbors to achieve these ends.
- CP supports power-balancing considering short and long term impacts, stability and security.
- CP supports the development and stability of republican democracies
- CP supports to the best of our ability: honor and duty to moral and ethical principles and values.
Points of Focus
It is important for people to understand that the State mission abroad is key to success in achieving security at home. As history has shown, without strong understanding, and strong relationships, and support for Republican Democracy, dictatorial authoritarianism can take deeper root and grow. Allowing that to happen reduces American influence and power toward upholding the principles of the founding purpose of the United States.
The Declaration of Independence clearly outlined our goal. To be free and independent of authoritarian or dictatorial rule.
In the case of US foreign policy, one must address international issues that can impact America in the short and long term.
Market Transparency
Net Neutrality
Prison Reform
America has the highest prison population per capita on Earth. Imprisoning people MUST NOT BE FOR PROFIT. It needs to be an expense. Private ‘for profit’ prisons have no incentive to reduce prison population or prevent a return to prison. They make more money by having more people in prison, not fewer. With imprisonment as an expense States, Counties, Cities and regions are incentivized to create a better, more educated, more civilized society.
Points of Focus:
- CP supports ending for profit prisons
- CP supports strong efforts to reduce recidivism rates
- CP supports policies that reduce crime and incarceration
- CP supports better separation of social issues and injurious crime
- CP supports a focus on education and job training.
- CP supports a greater focus on reintegration
- CP supports restoration of voting rights once sentence is served.
- CP supports all prisons become strong education centers
We have the technology and ability to achieve better state and federal prison systems that lowers costs and contribute to society. Let’s do that.
Additional Analysis
In studies since 1991, we note that direct costs were assessed. In a 1996 GAO analysis[5] the costs in the study in question showed similar costs in daily costs and “could not draw any conclusions about cost savings or quality of service”. Mixed results and limited scope prevented significant differentiation. However this could easily be considered too narrow a study. Quality of care was considered but loosely defined. That study stated sufficient data were not available but noted that one private facility indicated a reduced recidivism. Based on the scope of other studies two conclusions arise.
- Additional wider scope studies would help define cost and recidivism; and
- A focused comparative analysis including education and vocational training would help in understanding differences in longitudinal cost benefit analysis.
Also, In a 2010 analysis, direct costs were examined. But long term costs of recidivism and crime were not quantified into the assessment. Studies regarding family disorganization theory and education as well as vocational training indicate that blue collar criminal violations are reduced as education and vocational training is increased. Interestingly, while collar crime increases with level of education.[6]
A 2020 UCSD study showed that while “government spending on education increased by a factor of 1.2 from 1980 to 2005 spending on police and law enforcement increased by a factor of 1.5”[7] Another 2020 study showed that increasing education and vocational training reduces blue collar crime. At the same time it is notable that ethics education needs to be increased as some data shows that increased education can contribute to an increase in white color crime.
[2] 2013 Rand: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education
[6] Groot, Wim & Maassenvandenbrink, H.. (2010). The effects of education on crime. Applied Economics. 42. 279-289. 10.1080/00036840701604412.
[7] Ades, James & Mishra, Jyoti. (2020). Education and Crime Across America: Inequity’s Cost.
Pro-Human = H
The Centrist Party supports accepting humans as human beings. We are all human. We are the human race. We are humankind. This is not controversial.
Points of Focus:
Somehow it seems strange that this is controversial. The CP’s goal is to reduce controversy and predjudice regarding sexual orientation. It also seems strange we need an alphabet soup to describe who we are. This is the purpose of describing us, the people, as Human=H.
If you’re tossing letters in the soup pot, then why is it just LGBTQ? It can be argued that LQBTQ is itself predjudicial. Why isn’t it LGBTQMFAPC?
- Lesbian
- Gay
- Bi-sexual
- Transexual
- Queer
- Male
- Female
- Asexual
- Platonic
- Cisgender (aligns with sexual assignment at birth)
At a minmum it should be LGBTQMF. Why are Males and Female identifications left out? Maybe because those are traditional descriptors and thus not exceptional? Maybe.
But humans to tend to clump into groups of interest and identity. Still…, that seems immature; but it is also human nature as we experience it.
Individual biology, genetics, and liberty should be respected in America. Biologically, who you are is a matter of ones own reality. And ones own reality has many different aspects. How you see your self is a matter of your own reality and/or choice. Neither of these realities should be automatically controversial.
The fact that people tend to gather in groups or similar ‘lifestyle’, belief, social circumstance, or interest is ‘normal’ human behavior. However, the Centrist Party would like everyone to consider that our main group is human. That is what we all have in common. We should not allow race, creed, color, gender, or orientation get in the way of the simple fact we are all human.
Three percent of hate crimes in the FBI database in 2020 were based on Gender Identity. It is silly to attack another person simply because of differences. We as citizens and patriots of America need to get over it.
People are who they are, AND who they choose to be. Hopefully we can all relax on this issue and reduce predudice in all areas of race, creed, color, gender, and orientation. In other words we all need to continue to grow up. Hopefully to the point that gender and oreientation ‘hate crimes’ drop to zero; and we all learn that we are equal, at the least, in the category of simply being human.
The Centrist Party supports the fact that we are all ‘Human’.
Creed, color, caste and orientation does not, and should not, matter when it comes to us living together as citizens in the United States of America. The great melting pot as it’s been called. While certain groups of candidates choose to divide people and America, The Centrist Party focuses on recognizing we are all Americans, and we are all human, and we all need to work together in order to achieve greater outcomes for our lives, and our country.
People can call themselves whatever they want, but that won’t change the fact we are all human. And that is the basis for the rights we are supposed to enjoy as citizens of The United States of America. Equal access to opportunity, equal application of justice and the law.
FBI Stats
FBI statistics show a substantial amount of registered hate crimes are based on perceptions regarding sexuality. The majority of hate crimes are still race based though. But in no way does that diminish the heninous nature of hate crimes in general. All hate crimes are bad.
Hate Crimes Categories as of 2020; FBI Stats:
- 63.3% Race/Ethnicity
- 17.6% Gender/Sexual Orientation
- 15.1% Religion
There has been a large scale push for decades to categorize people more. If a group experiences predjudicial treatment against, then that group tends to argue for acceptance. This is also normal.
With regards to sexual orientation we began to see in the 1980’s, the letters LGB for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual. In the 1990’s, we began to see LGBT to also include transexuals. And more recently we see LGBTQ which presumably includes Queer.
The left argues recognition is needed to reduce sexual identificatoin predjudice. The Democrats push the all inclusive model of acceptance and say that recognition is key to acceptance.
The GOP pushes the idea that sexuality is completely binary even though science clearly demonstrates that sexuality is not completely binary.
There are multiple factors in human sexuality to be considered. And common sense still says that we are all human. Factors regarding sexuality include:
- Genetics
- Biology
- Birth order and number of births (recessive gene)
- Social orientation
- Environment
All of the above factors are being examined through science and statistics in physiology and sociology. Choice or no choice still should not matter. It’s not your business to judge another person simply based on differences. At the same time we all, judge each other. It does not matter that the bible says we should not judge, we do it anyway. There might be some super humans out there that don’t but has anyone ever met someone that never cast ‘any’ judgemnet upon another person?
The simplest solution is simply to accept that we are the human race. Color doesn’t matter. Caste doesn’t matter. Creed doesn’t matter. And whom people are attracted to is a matter of reality for each individual. For example: if you are not homosexual and don’t want to have a homosexual relationship, then don’t. But don’t think you have the right to condem others if they don’t see the world exactly as you see the world.
The science of sexuality shows us there are multiple factors. Chromosomes, neurochemistry, biological influences, environment, even personal choice give ones own circumstances, any any combination of such factors. The Centrist party’s position is not about right or wrong, it’s about human rights.
Why anyone chooses one person over another regarding attraction or personal identification is reliant on any combination of factors, but our goal is to see people as people. Not male or female. Not black or white, or yellow, or red. Besides, if we look at ourselves in grayscale we are all simply shades of grey. And genetically we are all decedent’s from Africa.
So, let’s grow up and realize we are the human race.
The ‘United States’ of America
The Centrist Party supports the ‘United States’ of America. The Founders chose a ‘United States’ of America as opposed to an ‘Un-united States of America’ to form our nation. This ‘united’ form of nation was chosen in order for America to be a ‘Great Country’ as opposed to a ‘weak country’. Therefore the CP is opposed to the secession of any State(s).
Points of Focus
During the Constitutional Convention of 1787 the Founders and State leaders argued out the points regarding a loose conglomeration of ‘States’ verses a ‘United States’ of America.
The results: Only a ‘United States’ of America could become a truly great nation. An ‘Un-united States’ of America would leave America weaker due to its inability to make decisions on behalf on the ‘National Interest’. If each State pursued its own interest the combined power of the United States would not be possible.
Thus, as demonstrated in the US civil war, secession is neither good for America, nor is it desirable as it opposes one of the key components of what makes America a ‘Great Nation’. Therefore, the CP does not support secession of States.
The notes regarding these arguments are contained in The Federalist Papers written by Founders Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay.
Voting Rights
Points of Focus:
The CP is open to any system that can solidly, fairly, justly an appropriately improve the quality of the vote to achieve better elections.
One interesting system is Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). This uses a system where the voter chooses a first and second or even third on the ballot. As of Sep 6, 2022, eleven States have already adopted and use RCV. Three additional States have adopted RCV and are working on implementing the system.
Ranked-choice voting in the United States
History of US Voting Rights
Constitution Leaves States in Charge of Voting
August 2, 1776: Declaration of Independence Frames Voters’ Rights
In the Declaration of Independence, signed on this day, Thomas Jefferson writes, “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.”
June 21, 1788: Voting Left to States
The U.S. Constitution is adopted on this date, but in lieu of a federal requirement, it grants states the power to establish standards for voting rights. As a result, mostly white Anglo-Saxon Protestant males, who own property and are older than 21, are the only group allowed to vote. Article II establishes the Electoral College.
July 9, 1868: Citizenship Granted to All US-Born and Naturalized
Following the 13th Amendment, which prohibits slavery, the 14th Amendment is ratified, granting citizenship to all people “born or naturalized in the United States” and “equal protection under the laws,” including formerly enslaved people.
Black Men, Women Get Right to Vote
February 3, 1870: Black Men Granted the Right to Vote
The 15th Amendment is ratified, granting Black men the right to vote and Congress the power to enforce the right. However, laws, including poll taxes, literacy tests and grandfather clauses, are enacted in mostly Southern states, suppressing Black voting rights until 1965.
August 18, 1920: Women Get the Right to Vote
After decades of protest and struggles for change, the 19th Amendment is adopted, granting American women the right to vote: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.” However, its passage does not stop mostly Southern states from restricting minority women from voting through the passage of discriminatory laws.
Native Americans, Asian Americans Gain Rights
June 2, 1924: Native Americans Granted the Right to Vote
Congress enacts the Indian Citizenship Act, granting the right to vote to Native Americans born in the United States. Despite its passage, some states continue to bar Native Americans from voting.
1943 Chinese Exclusion Act Ends
In the wake of World War II when the United States and China had operated as allies, the Chinese Exclusion Act, which had barred Chinese from becoming citizens since 1882, is finally repealed. Chinese immigrants and their American-born families become the first Asian Americans eligible to naturalize and gain citizenship—and vote.
March 29, 1961: Washington, D.C. Residents Can Vote in Presidential Elections
The 23rd Amendment is ratified, allowing American citizens living in the District of Columbia to vote for president and vice president. Prior to its passage, D.C. residents could only vote for those offices with valid registration in one of the nation’s states.
January 23, 1964: Poll Taxes Banned
The 24th Amendment is ratified, prohibiting the use of poll taxes in federal elections. “There can be no one too poor to vote,” President Lyndon Johnson says during a ceremony announcing the amendment.
Voting Rights Act of 1965
August 6, 1965: Voting Rights Act
President Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act into law, banning literacy tests and enforcing the 15th Amendment on a federal level. It also provides for federal examiners who can register voters in certain jurisdictions. Facing a flurry of legal challenges, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds its constitutionality in a number of rulings from 1965-1969. In 1970, Section 5 is extended for five years.
July 1, 1971: 18 and Up Can Vote
The 26th Amendment is signed by President Richard Nixon, granting the right to vote to U.S. citizens who are 18 or older. Prohibiting discrimination based on age, it lowers the age from 21, largely in reaction to the number of 18-20-year-olds fighting in Vietnam.
August 6, 1975: Rights for Non-English-Speaking Voters
In addition to establishing a permanent ban on literacy tests and other discriminatory voting requirements, amendments to the Voting Rights Act are signed into law by President Gerald Ford requiring districts with significant numbers of non-English-speaking voters to be provided with instructions or assistance in registering and voting.
June 29, 1982: Voting Rights Act Extended
President Ronald Reagan signs a 25-year extension of the Voting Rights Act. Revisions also reverse recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, making voting easier for people with disabilities and the elderly.
Accessibility Becomes Requirement
September 28, 1984: Voting Is Made Accessible
The Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act of 1984 is signed into law by Reagan, requiring polling places in federal elections to be accessible for people with disabilities and the elder. It also states that if no accessible location is available, an alternative way to vote on Election Day must be offered.
May 20, 1993: Voter Registration Through DMVs
Also known as the “motor voter” law, the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 is signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It requires state motor vehicle agencies to offer voter registration opportunities, states to offer mail-in voter registration applications, states to maintain current and accurate voter registration lists and opportunities to register to vote at certain state and local offices. In its first year, 30 million-plus voters update or complete their registration.
October 29, 2002: Help America Vote Act
Enacting sweeping voting process reform, President George W. Bush signs Help America Vote Act, mandating that the U.S. Election Assistance Commission improve and certify voting equipment, maintain the National Voter Registration form and administer a national elections clearinghouse with shared practices, among other items. It provides states with funds to meet the new standards and provisions.
Supreme Court Walks Back Voting Rights Act
June 25, 2013: Voting Rights Act Walked Back
In Shelby County v. Holder, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 vote, rules that Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional, holding that the constraints placed on certain states and federal review of states’ voting procedures, known as preclearance, are outdated. Seen as a blow to civil rights activists, since the ruling, which affected nine states and several counties and townships, a federal commission found at least 23 states had enacted “newly restrictive statewide voter laws.” These include polling place closures, voter ID laws, limiting early voting and more.

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- Enough is enough. We must unite to reclaim our government. Join the Centrist Party. Work together to heal our nation and return balance in governance and common sense for the nation and the people.
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