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The CP’s goal is to protect our republican democracy. Voting against the GOP is still needed until we can get more pragmatic conservative progressives on the ballot.

In 2024 Americans get to choose…

This article will be updated as more information is weighed.

Updated: Sep, 3, 2024

Vote Early and make sure your vote is registered.

A vote for Donald Trump and MOST GOP candidates is a vote to turn America into an authoritarian oligarchy. It is clear they are rejecting Our Federal Republic and democracy. In doing so they also reject individual liberties such as freedom of speech and the civil rights we have been working toward for these 200 plus years.

In order to prevent civil war or extreme civil discord it remains important that centrists and independents, as well as moderate republicans cast votes away from the GOP agenda. Donald Trump is afraid he will finally have to go to jail for his many crimes if he is not president. His plan to put the executive branch in charge of the justice department is a direct violation of the constitution. Keep in mind he already has empowered the supreme court with enough justices that are not only willing to ignore the constitution, they have already done so in recent rulings. So the future under Trump is clear. He lies like a water flowing in a fountain. The middle class and the poor will pay for his continued empowerment of the special interest groups…, yes, the ones he lied about getting rid of.

The CP still does not have a ballot, we support honorable, conservative candidates as they exist, which currently means voting for ‘true’ Centrist Independents and Democrats. The Democrats are still pushing a more conservative agenda than the GOP. The GOP agenda is anti-American and pro fascism and America can’t afford to give them a longer leash.

A Vote for Kamala Harris and MOST DEMOCRATIC candidates is a vote to maintain and strengthen individual rights and freedoms and work to strengthen our Republican Democracy.

Based on the data and statements made by individuals, groups and watchdog analysts we have a current score for the candidates on key centrist issues.

Kamala Harris/Democrats Donald Trump/Republicans
Economy 0.5 -1
Education 1 -1
Energy 1 -1
Environment 1 -1
Healthcare 1 -1
Political Reform 1 -1
Security 1 -1
6.5 -7


Note: The 0,5 score for the Harris plan is simply because her plan is better. But in truth, both parties do not understand what is truly needed for longer term stability. This seems to be related to the fact that economic models do not have the ability to capture relevant change factors.

The Democratic is still more conservative and pro capitalism than the Republicans. This may sound like an odd argument but the evidence is clear. While the democrats still use incorrect language about capitalism they are in fact fighting corporatism. That means the left is more capitalist than the right.

Republicans still support corporate oligarchy and the super rich keep getting richer. That is because they are working hard to change the rules and break the spirit of anti-trust law. Their plan is to exploit pretty much anything they want to no matter how much everyone else that is not in the 1% will suffer. They are explicitly anti-capitalism.

    1. On the economy: current analysis shows that the Trump plan will cost Americans another 4 to 5 trillion. The Harris plan is assessed at 1 trillion.
    2. On Education: Harris supports public education to ensure a good education for ALL Americans. Trump supports private education, which studies have already show produce inferior results and cost America in more.
    3. On Energy: Harris supports continuing the transition to more sustainable energy usage. Trump still denies climate is a real issue.
    4. On Environment: Trump spent much of his first presidential term undermining environmental protections and pushing to give federal lands to corporate investors. Harris is clearly against that and the Biden/Harris administration did some good work to unwind the damage Trump did while in office.
    5. On Healthcare: Harris continues to support ensuring all Americans have access to healthcare. Trump continues to support privatization which leads to more Americans ending up without healthcare.
    6. On Political Reform: Harris with Biden has already been pushing reforms to protect our elections and secure and strengthen our political processes to reduce the risk of authoritarian takeovers of our government. Trump on the other hand is pushing hard to make the executive branch an authoritarians dream position.
    7. On Security: Globally America benefits from our relationships with our allies. Harris supports rebuilding trust with our allies after the Trump administration worked so hard to destroy everything we, America, had built to protect freedom and liberty. Trump continues to not understand the sacrifice our military personal commit to, and thus in now way is qualified for the position of president. His statements to General Kelly saying ‘I don’t get it. What was in it for them?’, and the infamous suckers and losers comment where our soldiers were buried from the D-Day invasion. These comments show clearly he has no clue what America is and why anyone would sacrifice themselves in service or our nation.
  • Trump, regarding the incredible sacrifice Senator John McCain made in his service to our country, ‘I like people who weren’t captured.
  • General Kelly said that Trump ‘did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’
  • Trump has repeatedly while president talked about ‘my military’ and ‘my generals’ not realizing that the military and federal policing and justice arms are obligated to protect the constitution, not the presidents personal whims. They are NOT his generals.
  • And don’t forget that Donald Trump dodge the draft with the help of his father doing favors for a doctor to get Donny out of the war. “The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump.” Keep in mind, bone spurs are usually diagnosed in those over 70 years of age. Trump went for playing football and being captain of his team at the military academy to  having an ailment typical of those aged 70 and above as soon as he was able to be drafted. And we all notice that for decades following he walked normally wiht now sign of someone that had bone spurs. Remember, he lies pretty much about everything to make himself look innocent and better. 

Fred Trump has cleary outlined Fred Trumps sceme to avoid the draft for Donald by using a podiatrist that was renting one of his apartments to keep Donald out of the war. We all already know what Donald would say, something like, ‘well if that did happen I didn’t know anything about it.’

There are too many examples of Trump disrespecting the military and service members going all the way back to his time as a cadet. Trumps former high school classmate George M. White. White, a retired Army veteran, was Donalds superior in the 1964 graduating class of the New York Military Academy. “White said he witnessed up close Trump’s contempt for military service, discipline, and tradition, as well his ungoverned sense of entitlement, all helped along by his father Fred Trump’s generous donations to the school.” Regarding Donalds ‘losers and suckers’ comment, White said: “No, those remarks absolutely didn’t surprise me. In my dealings with him he was a heartless, obnoxious son of a bitch”. 



The Risks:

The GOP agenda is absurd at best. But it’s more than that. The GOP represents a clear and present danger to the Republic. The United States of America and the balanced process our Founding Fathers established is threatened by the GOP. They represent lies and populism, which the Constitutional Convention rejected solidly back in 1787. It’s up to us, the reasonable center of America to ensure we protect our Republican Democracy.

Here are our current considerations:

The GOP is no longer conservative, which means the Democrats are now the more conservative party. Though not as conservative as the Centrist Party. Many of their agenda items are much more conservative than the GOP. Independent candidates should be considered if they are electable as well. Use the CP platform, tenets and mission statement to weigh the candidates history and stance.

Key considerations:

The most electable candidate that is anti-authoritarian.

Therefore, CP recommends choosing the most electable conservative anti-authoritarian. This year it remains that the Democrats are holding the line better than the GOP.

  • Consider independent candidates if they are electable.
  • Use the tenets, platform planks, manifesto and mission statement as a guide for candidates (links below).

There are no perfect candidates typically, thus choose the candidate that keeps America from tipping into an authoritarian State.

Beware sophisticated language that is ambiguous and leans toward appeals to your emotion and populist arguments.

This election is important because the GOP has telegraphed their plan to make the rich richer while making the poor poorer. That’s not capitalism, that’s ‘swamp rat corporatism’.

Keep in mind the CP supports capitalism, NOT corporatism.  We do not support lobbies that undermine true capitalism. Remember, capitalism is the open and fair trade of goods and services. The GOP lobbies for rules to hide what corporations do and maximize profit over the good of the nation and the people. Vote against that. Vote for open and fair honest trade – that’s true capitalism.

Critical areas to VOTE AGAINST:

  1. Election deniers.
  2. Anyone that supports making voting harder.
    1. The 2020 election, according to AG Barr, was the most secure election in US history. Don’t believe GOP lies.
  3. Anyone that thinks we should feel sorry for corporations making record profits.
  4. Anyone that supports disenfranchising or suppression of our constitutionally protected right to vote.
  5. Any form of direct or indirect racism.

Centrist Party Voting Guide:

The Centrist Party Manifesto

The Centrist Party Mission Statement

The Centrist Party Tenets

The Centrist Party Platform

Unite America with The Centrist Party

Enough is enough. We must unite to reclaim our government. Join the Centrist Party. Work together to heal our nation and return balance in governance and common sense for the nation and the people.

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