CP Voter Guide: 2024 – This election is a choice between everything America has stood for and Trump

The CP’s goal is to protect our republican democracy. Voting against the GOP is still needed until we can get more pragmatic conservative progressives on the ballot. In 2024 Americans get to choose… This article will be updated as more information is...
Putin is a Terrorist – Support Ukraine

Putin is a Terrorist – Support Ukraine

Defying Putin’s invasion and lies, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his government stand their ground in Kyiv as Putin continues the Russian attack on the city and country of Ukraine. Support Ukraine Societies and countries that support freedom need to support Ukraine....
Brexit S1 – Who started all this?

Brexit S1 – Who started all this?

Brexit is part of Putin’s plan to sow the seeds of discord. Ukraine: 2004 & 2014 – Georgia: 2008 – Germany: 2016 – Montenegro: 2016 – United Kingdom: 2016 – United States: 2016/17/18/19 – France/Germany: 2017; Venezuela: 2019. They also helped foment the...