Yes, I am a traditional conservative (but I’m also centrist, independent, democratic and republican). I was raised Catholic/Christian. As an adult I have remained focused on the values I was taught and that which I learned from the church. There were bumps in the road but I survived them and continue to try my best to do what is right, ethical, moral and just. Heck I even still have moments of immaturity. I’m not perfect and never will be. But I try my best.

I’m voting on my values and I am voting for Biden/Harris. I asked my reps if they would speak out against our clearly immoral and very dangerous extremely liberal president, Donald Trump.

None did. So none of them got my vote. In fact I voted against them. If America is to survive and thrive as a haven for freedom and justice for all, vote Biden/Harris. And for the sake of all that is good, honorable, ethical and moral, do not vote for anyone that refuses to speak out against a president that has all the earmarks of an antichrist.


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