Trump’s China Trade War

Trump’s China Trade War

Trumps trade war is more sham than strategy; largely aimed at trying to make Trump look good to his support base. That does not make America look good. It makes America look like a shakedown bully. US farmers are being hit hard and 87% now fear losing their farms....
March 9, 2019

March 9, 2019

Centrist News: March 2019 media context and perspectives on Trump, the debt, Russian collusion, Kushner’s security clearance, Intelligence, the rise in hate crimes and racism.  Centrist News & Perspectives Subject list/segment time: Economics & The...
86th Annual BIS Report

86th Annual BIS Report

Summary: The global economy seems not as bad as rhetoric suggests while historically high risk factors remain unaddressed. Low global growth expectations and high debt narrows the range for policy maneuvering.. There is an urgent policy need for sustainable expansion...
84th BIS Report

84th BIS Report

BIS report 2014 by John P. Reisman — last modified Nov 24, 2020 05:46 PM Bank for International Settlements, 84th Annual Report, Released 29 June 2014, Basel, Switzerland. The BIS report outlines the general assessment of economic risks and considerations for World...